State E-Waste Legislation in the U.S.

Rhode Island
- Population: 1,059,639
- % of US Population: 0.3253%
State E-Waste Program
Producer Responsibility Program
Landfill/Disposal Ban
Rhode Island has a ban on computers, laptops, computer monitors, and televisions that became effective 1/31/2009.
Program Website
Program Type
State Operated Program
Quick Summary
Manufacturers of covered electronic products (CEPs) are required to participate in either the state operated program or implement their own recovery program. Manufacturers will be financially responsible for the collection, transport and recycling of CEPs. Under the state operated program administered by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC), manufacturers will pay a fee based on their market share (television manufacturers) or return share (all other CEP manufacturers) as determined by the RIRRC. Manufacturers choosing to implement their own recovery program will be required to meet, through their own individual or group efforts, their market share obligation (television manufacturers) or return share obligations (all other CEP manufacturers) as determined by the RIRCC.
Computers, Laptops, Computer Monitors, and Televisions
Important Deadlines
Program Year
January 1 to December 31
Registration Date
November 30
Registration Form
Registration Renewal
Registration Fee
Recycling Plan Due Date
November 30
Recycling Plan Form
Reporting Date
Annual, February 1
Reporting Form
Eligible Products
Computers, Laptops, Computer Monitors, and Televisions
Eligible Entities to Collect From
Households, Public or Private Elementary or Secondary Schools
Recycling Obligation
Convenience Requirements
Recycler Requirements
Must submit a proposal and be approved by the RIRRC for the state operated program.
Collector Requirements
Must register to participate in the RIRRC run state operated program.
Link to Legislation
Link to Regulations
State Agency
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
State Agency Contact(s)
Alyson Brunelli
Mark Dennen