State E-Waste Legislation in the U.S.

- Population: 9,962,311
- % of US Population: 3.0586%
State E-Waste Program
Producer Responsibility Program
Landfill/Disposal Ban
Program Website
Program Type
Manufacturer Operated Program
Quick Summary
Manufacturers of covered electronic devices (CEDs) are required to implement a takeback program for Michigan consumers that is convenient and free. Manufacturers of computer equipment are required to implement a computer takeback program for their own brand of covered computers. Manufacturers of covered televisions are required to implement a television takeback program for any brand or type of television and meet a voluntary 60% by weight of sales recycling obligation.
Computers, Computer Monitors, Laptops, Printers, Televisions
Important Deadlines
Program Year
October 1 to September 30 of the following year
Registration Date
October 30
Registration Form
Registration Renewal
Registration Fee
Recycling Plan Due Date
With registration (October 30)
Recycling Plan Form
Reporting Date
With registration (October 30)
Reporting Form
Eligible Products
Computers, Computer Monitors, Laptops, Printers, Televisions
Eligible Entities to Collect From
Households and Small Businesses (=10 FTEs)
Recycling Obligation
Voluntary 60% by weight of sales obligation for TV manufacturers only.
Convenience RequirementsProgram must be “convenient” but the term remains undefined in Michigan law.
Recycler Requirements
Must submit a registration form, fee, and an annual report to IDEM.
Collector Requirements
Link to Legislation
Link to Regulations
State Agency
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment
State Agency Contact(s)
Steve Noble
(517) 284-6589